Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Flowers To Plant

When it comes to gardening, many people are not born with green thumbs. It takes knowledge and perseverance to have a great looking garden. With some patience and know how you can have a garden that will make your neighbors envious. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when you are buying flowers for your garden.

Choosing Flowers in Full Bloom– People often make the mistake of buying flowers that are in full bloom. By doing so, these flowers will wither and die at the same time. Make sure that you choose flowers that are budding at various stages.

Not Purchasing Enough– If you have a lot of ground to cover, make sure that you purchase enough of the same variety. People usually plant the same flowers in patches or bunches. Having a nice assortment of the same variety will help to make your garden beautiful.

Purchasing Unhealthy Plants
– Some people make the mistake of buying plants that are not the healthiest. Make sure you check the plant out for leaf spot and bugs. Another rule of thumb is to make sure that you see new growth.

Choose Flowers That Have a Good Root System– Choose plants that have a strong root system. This, of course, does not mean to choose plants that have their roots coming out of the bottom of the pots. Shallow roots usually mean a young plant. You can tell whether or not the plant has matured by the size of the stem, and by looking at the amount of foliage and new buds.

The above tips on how to avoid common mistakes that people make when purchasing plants will help you to make a wise decision. Choose a mixture of foliage and flowering plants as the foliage plants will still make your garden look pretty once the flowers have completed their blooming season.

How to Compost Kitchen Waste

Although it's becoming easier to recycle food and beverage packaging, most of our domestic waste still goes into the trash. Reduce the amount of garbage you throw away by composting your kitchen food waste.

Food waste sealed in a plastic bag on a landfill site doesn't decompose properly. Instead, it produces methane, a greenhouse gas, which contributes to global warming, as well as a liquid, leachate, which can contaminate water supplies.

Composting your kitchen food waste is easy and requires little time, effort or space, depending on which system you use. The compost is invaluable for the soil in your garden or potted plants: It's a complete and natural food for the soil, helping to improve its structure, water-retaining abilities and overall health.

Worm Composting

Worm composting is small enough to keep on a balcony, patio or in a porch, so it's ideal if you don't have much outside space. It's also one of the cleanest, neatest and easiest composting systems to use. A ready-made kit provides both the bin with its lid and the worms. As you fill each layer with small amounts of scraps and leftovers, the worms work their way up through the layers, eating the waste (they consume up to half of their body weight a day). It's this action that speeds up the composting process, leaving you with rich, dark compost in the lowest tray after only a few months. After you've emptied out the compost, the empty tray can be placed on top of the stack and filled with more food waste. The liquid that collects at the bottom of the bin should be siphoned off regularly, but it makes a wonderful tonic for your plants when diluted 1:10 with water. Store it in screw-top wine bottles until you need to use it.

If you regularly add a few handfuls of chopped food waste and shredded dry fiber (cardboard is best), ensure good air circulation, a fairly constant temperature and prevent water logging, this efficient composting system should last for years.

The Best Waste for Worm Composting
  • Raw or cooked fruit and vegetable peelings
  • Pasta, rice and bread
  • Dried and crushed egg shells
  • Teabags and coffee grounds
  • Dry fiber, such as torn-up egg crates and empty toilet rolls, to make up 25 percent of the contents
Avoid citrus fruit and onion peelings (which cause acidic conditions), plant seeds, meat, fish, dairy products, dog and cat droppings, spent tissues, grass cuttings and leaves, diseased plant material and anything in excess.

Conventional Composting

You can recycle both kitchen and garden waste if you keep a compost heap or bin in your garden. An insulating box or bin is essential: make your own from pieces of wood or buy a readymade wooden or recycled plastic version. A lid or covering, such as a piece of old carpet, keeps the contents of the bin warm and the rain out. Position the bin on an area of soil so that composting creatures such as worms and soil micro-organisms can help to break down the organic waste in the bin. If you want to pre-compost your food waste and accelerate the composting process, add Bokashi active bran to the food waste and leave it to pickle for two weeks in a bucket before adding it to the compost bin.

Kitchen waste is high in moisture and has very little structure once it has decomposed. Add a supply of dry material, such as cardboard, scrunched-up paper, coarse twigs and stems to stop the compost heap collapsing in on itself and becoming slimy. Wine corks, party hats and streamers can also be added to the compost heap, as can tissue paper, which biodegrades quickly. Cardboard packaging from food and gifts can also be composted.

Check the base of the heap after several months and dig out any dark, well-rotted compost. Mix up the remaining matter with a fork, and water it if it seems dry; if the heap is too wet, add some dry, bulky material. Acidic conditions inhibit decomposition, so occasionally add a little ground limestone or gardener's lime.

Organic Material to Compost
  • Vegetable and fruit peelings
  • Tea leaves and coffee grounds
  • Crushed egg shells
  • Grass cuttings and weeds
  • Paper, paper towels and newspaper
  • Leaves from non-coniferous trees and shrubs
  • Woody prunings
  • Straw, hay, wool, sawdust and pets' bedding
  • Vacuum dust
  • Wood ash
Avoid meat, fish, and cooked food, weed seeds, diseased plant material, disposable diapers, glossy newsprint and coal ash.

Food Waste Facts

It is estimated that five million tons of waste is generated over the festive period in the United States, but only a fraction of that amount will be recycled. Families can reduce their festive waste with careful planning and recycling practices.

The average American family throws away 14 percent of the food it purchases each year. This translates to approximately $600 per year spent on wasted food.
Composting food helps reduce the amount of material in landfills.

How to Compost With Worms

Wiggle your way to healthier plants with worms, the hardest working gardeners around. These tireless eaters transform organic trash into a soil rich in nutrients. Worm farmer Al Cardoza of Rainbow Worm Farm shares how he works with worms to create vermicompost:

The process begins with a pile of dairy cow manure that is distributed into 32 rows called ricks. Dairy cow manure works best because the cows are fed ultra-nutritious greens and soy, a diet perfect for the voracious appetites of hard-working worms. "The cow is a very poor digester," Cardoza says. "It digests only 15 percent of its intake."

And what the cows don't digest, the worms will. The worms start at the bottom of the manure pile, eating and excreting half their weight every day. It takes the worms a year to feast 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to eat their way through an entire row of manure. During this time, the ricks are watered twice a day to keep the material moist. If the manure isn't moist, the worms won't eat. The worms live in the top six inches of the ricks once they have eaten their way through the pile.

"When the rick is flat, and the worms are fat, it's time to collect some garden magic," says master gardener Paul James. The worms are carefully removed from the ricks, and the castings are scooped up and processed with a filler to keep the compost from caking together in wet conditions.

Worm castings are high in beneficial plant nutrients. Although vermicompost looks and smells like dirt, it can do amazing things for a garden. "Worm castings won't burn your plants like manure, and it will help ward off bugs," Paul says. "You can use it on anything - bedding plants, houseplants and all the flowering plants."

Making Your Own Vermicompost

Even if you don't own lots of land, you can still start your own vermicomposting system with a home composting kit. The kit includes a large plastic composting bin and red-wiggler worms. Fill the bin with manure, and place the worms on the edges of the manure pile. Remember to never bury the worms into the manure.

Sprinkle organic matter over the manure, or make your worms a delicious smoothie by blending up your organic kitchen scraps. Pour the organic mixture over the manure and add any leaves or grass cuttings, as well. Mist the inside of the bin thoroughly every day. Once the worms have worked their magic, carefully remove the worms and harvest the castings. Replace the bin with more manure, return the worms to the manure and start the process all over again. Keep in mind that besides eating and excreting, your worms will multiply.