Vegetables Growing Tips

Gardening knowledge is gained through experience and you will learn as you go. Here are tips for growing some basic garden veggies:

Tomatoes - Plant your tomatoes in an area with lots of sunlight and water deeply once a week. A best practice is to tie the plant to a stake for support when the tomatoes start growing. Most varieties are often susceptible to fungal diseases. To keep plants healthy, mulch to cut spread of disease and snip off any spotted or yellowing leaves.

Cucumbers - Cucumbers thrive in warm, humid weather and plenty of sunlight. Since cucumbers are a vine crop, they usually require a lot of space. If you have a smaller garden, train the plants to climb on a fence or trellis.

Lettuce - Lettuce is one of the more carefree crops, and can be started indoors for early transplant or sown directly in your garden.

Onions - Onions do well in most conditions. Onion transplants generally result in larger produce than sets, which are the tiny bulbs that were started from seed the year before.
Peppers - Many varieties of peppers need lots of sun and heat, so plant them in an area that receives full sun.

Green Beans - Beans are usually seeded directly  in the garden, but you can also transplant small bean plants. The most important point about growing green beans is not to plant them too early as they will rot in cool, damp soil.

Zucchini - Make sure your zucchini plants get plenty of water each week. Like cucumbers, they can take up space, so put up a trellis for vertical support.

Remember, not all plants grow well in every region. Check with your local garden center for specific instructions for your gardening zone. If you have difficulty growing a plant, keep trying new varieties and different methods until you find those that work for you.

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